Resource Library
Prayer Resource: Stations of the Highway - Praying Through the Journey of a Refuge
Webinar: Introduction to Trauma Informed Worship Practices
Research Project: Using Mindfulness & Expressive Arts to Help People Process their Cancer Experiences
Academic Paper: The Role of Creativity in Christian Formation- A Call Toward Whole-Brain, Full-Embodied, Trauma-Informed Worship
Painting: Form Us to Your Image
Palm Sunday: Two Kingdoms Collide
Painting: The Scepter of Justice - The Shattering
Painting: Circle of Friends - Redeemed
Video Teaching: A Call to Whole Brained, Full Embodied and Trauma Informed Worship.
Painting: Encounter at the Wall - Empowered to Forgive
Painting: Mothering Spirit, Tend our Heart
Searching for Joy- A Reflective Exercise
Advent: Joy
Pentecost Sunday Resources
Academic Paper: Objectivity and Fingerprints: A Critical Analysis of Constructivist Theory for Bible Interpretation
Song: We Dare to Believe
Instrumental Piano: The Battle
Instrumental Piano: Save me from Myself