Faith-Based Art
Krista is often asked to paint for Christian faith communities - both live on stage, or on a commission basis. These paintings centre around spiritual themes, inviting deeper reflection and invitation.
A reflection on the Incarnation. The words are a collage of song and scripture speaking of the nature of Jesus.
A reminder that when the storm feels like our whole world, God is with us.
An image of God reattaching flight feathers to a bird who has been wounded, damaged, and limited. A picture of God restoring hope, freedom, and new potential. Also a picture of reattaching individual feathers to a body. We can fly farther when we are connected together.
A huge tree, with an invitation to climb higher and gain a bigger perspective. This tree is tall because of the years it first took getting rooted and going deep.
In gardening, pinching off the first flowers is a technique used to encourage plants to grow stronger and broader. Although the first visible fruit is halted, once the plant does bear flowers and fruit again, it will be a more plentiful and rich crop.
His sacrifice creates the safe place where we can find new life.
A pearl starts when an irritant gets in a oyster, causing pain. But what could have been harmed and damaged the shell, doesn't. Because the oyster coats the irritant with layer and layer of shell material, creating a pearl. We have the choice of how we let hard things in life affect us. They can damage us, or we can transform them into beauty and great worth.
A reflection on Song of Solomon 2 where we are called by Christ to come "over the hills and up on the mountains" to journey with Him
Just as ocean waves are never ending, we can rest in the fact that God's mercies for us are constant. Nothing can stop them from coming.
Being ushered into hope and abundant life by the promises of the spirit (dove), the gift of scripture (verses on hope), and the community of believers (stained glass window effect).
Taking a leap of faith is less about calculating your moves, and more about trusting the jumper. He will land you safe.
A landscape picture that portrays the concept of the kingdom of God being here, and yet not yet here. Living in between the times.
Choosing to let go of the weights that prevent you from being on the journey.
A reflection on the power of words to break apart the darkness and usher in light.